How to Advertise Your Website
There are many ways to advertise your website &
not one size fits all.
Well, you now have your new website so now what do you do? My main advice to you would be to do your advertising research first because there are many ways to advertise your website and it can be very costly or you can find ways that you can do this for free. So if you are on a budget, I suggest researching this on your own and then heading out there and just trying it. If you have a good advertising budget, then I suggest you hire a professional advertising firm that specializes in online advertising.
Advertising your website is just like advertising your new business it is an ongoing process and it never ends. Keep on trying new things see what has worked for others and track your advertising results. Online advertising as well as the old fashion print version is still useful today.
Computer Tutor Services does not advertise your website for you, but we strive to educate and help you get started on your next step. Here are 33 ways to get started in Advertising your new business or website.
33 Ways to advertising your new Business / Website
1.) Friends & Family
2.) Reddit / Quora - answers people's questions and spend some time and then leave links to your websites
3.) Facebook - share info
4.) Twitter - share info
5.) Blogging & and Promote on Social Media
6.) YouTube Free educating content and share it
7.) Email Marketing
8.) Submit to Free Local Directories
9.) Search Engine Optimization - (SEO)
10.) Submit to Media
11.) Facebook Groups
12.) Guest Blogging
13.) Signature Branding
14.) Google Ads -
15.) Pinterest
16.) eBay
Make sure You are consistent and continue to fine different ways to Advertise
17.) Etsy
18.) Web2.0's
19.) Message Boards
20.) Signage
21.) Referrals
22.) Flyers & Stickers (Print Marketing)
23.) Cold Calls
24.) Networking Events
Spend time being creative in your advertising and study the results
25.) Carry a Business Card
26.) Forums
27.) Repeat Business
28.) Join Forces
29.) Get Featured (GoDaddy & Blog)
30.) Apply for Awards
31.) Community Boards
32.) QR Codes
33.) By any Means Possible -
(Use what you have Available)
See 50 more ways to Advertise Your Website For Free Here.
If you do not have time for advertising, I recommend hiring a Digital Marketing Agency that will work closely with your business such as:
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